Academy Soccer

Academy is for players age 7-9 years old. Players who sign up for academy should love the game, possess above average skills, dominate in recreational games, be aggressive, able to maintain focus, and enjoy competition. Academy teams follow a set curriculum, focus on individual skills, and teams mix players every year if enough teams.

Players are required to practice two times per week.

Academy is open to anyone.


  • Play year round

  • Practice 2-3 evenings a week

  • Try your best

  • Be on time

  • Have a ball, shin guards, water bottle and proper clothing

  • Be respectful to coaches and teammates

  • Soccer should be your first priority if you do multiple sports


 U9-U10 Per Session

Registration - $170.00

Uniform - Must be purchased from Soccer Master 4 Weeks Prior to start of season to guarantee delivery.

Tournaments - 1 Tournament is included with parking fee if necessary.

Registration fees are due upon signing up in the Fall & Spring season. A player will not be accepted to play either session till all fees are paid.

Tournaments are coordinated through the team coordinator. Additional tournament fees, if any, are coordinated through them. All fees must be paid before a player will be allowed to play in a tournament.